Giving you support when you need it the most.
At the Lychway Funeral Directors, our aim is to ease this burden with our caring and compassionate
funeral service at the most emotive period of your life.
Since time immemorial, humankind has both honoured and mourned their deceased through various rituals based on individual needs, physical necessities, cultural customs and religious belief referred to today as funerals. Today, as ever in history, every funeral is unique, individually customized to both honour and show respect for a life lived and to provide emotional needs and support for the mourning. Whatever form a funeral takes or may be perceived to be – whether very traditional, partly traditional or simple burial/cremation without a previous service – it has to be remembered that all funerals are for the living and are based on respect for the deceased.
The Lychway Funeral Directors can arrange funerals that reflect and incorporate the wishes of the individual, family and friends. We can advise on cremations and burials, choice of coffins and flower arrangements. We can even arrange to have the service at our chapel; home or other suitable venue. Whatever you choose we can help you arrange it all, even a suitable venue for a gathering afterwards with any catering needs that might be required.
Whether it is a simple funeral, a traditional funeral, an alternative funeral or an extravagant occasion, we are able to provide you with a totally personal and completely bespoke service.
All our staff are fully trained, professional, sensitive and with genuine compassion to help you. Rest assured your calls will be taken with complete confidentiality. We can also arrange for a home visit if you are unable to come to us.
Nothing is too much trouble and we pride ourselves on the service we provide feeling privileged to be chosen to take your loved one on their final journey. Our aim is to carry out your requests with the utmost dignity and attention to detail.
In arranging a funeral, we are not just saying goodbye to a loved one, we are honouring their life and remembering times past. A funeral service should reflect all these aspects, however, making those arrangements can be one of the most emotional and stressful experiences we may ever have placed upon us.
Environmentally Friendly Funerals
In these current times “Eco” friendly options are becoming more popular and we are able to offer this option to you. Eco-friendly funerals can mean different things to different people. An eco-friendly funeral is intended to empower families who want to organise a funeral that has a low impact on the environment. The term eco-funeral is sometimes confused by people who associate eco with economy, while other people think this term represents ecology. Eco funerals can encompass many aspects of the funeral process such as burial, cremation, embalming and coffins/caskets. If you have a loved one to take care of or you are planning ahead to ensure your funeral is eco-friendly, please ask us for about this option and we can guide you through the process. Natural burial grounds (sometimes called woodland burial grounds) are still in the early stages of development in New Zealand. The first dedicated natural burial ground opened near Wellington in March 2008, another followed soon after in Auckland. More recently the South Island’s first natural burial ground opened in Motueka and progress is being made for one in Palmerston North and New Plymouth.
A interesting watch for those who are interested in eco-friendly funerals.
This link will take you to a film that was created in Canada following one person’s decision to fulfil his wish to have an environmentally friendly burial. Here in New Zealand, various local body councils including the Palmerston North City Council are exploring several options available to them, including an option of to have a section of the Kelvin Grove Cemetery made available for such burials.
Environmentally Friendly Funerals
In these current times “Eco” friendly options are becoming more popular and we are able to offer this option to you. Eco-friendly funerals can mean different things to different people. An eco-friendly funeral is intended to empower families who want to organise a funeral that has a low impact on the environment. The term eco-funeral is sometimes confused by people who associate eco with economy, while other people think this term represents ecology. Eco funerals can encompass many aspects of the funeral process such as burial, cremation, embalming and coffins/caskets. If you have a loved one to take care of or you are planning ahead to ensure your funeral is eco-friendly, please ask us for about this option and we can guide you through the process. Natural burial grounds (sometimes called woodland burial grounds) are still in the early stages of development in New Zealand. The first dedicated natural burial ground opened near Wellington in March 2008, another followed soon after in Auckland. More recently the South Island’s first natural burial ground opened in Motueka and progress is being made for one in Palmerston North and New Plymouth.
A interesting watch for those who are interested in eco-friendly funerals.
This link will take you to a film that was created in Canada following one person’s decision to fulfil his wish to have an environmentally friendly burial. Here in New Zealand, various local body councils including the Palmerston North City Council are exploring several options available to them, including an option of to have a section of the Kelvin Grove Cemetery made available for such burials.
Is Embalming Necessary?
Strictly speaking no, however, embalming disinfects and preserves the body and therefore is important care to reduce any health hazards before the deceased is viewed and/or transported. Embalming helps to restore the deceased person’s natural appearance and allows time for family and friends to say goodbye. There are various levels to the embalming process and we are happy to discuss these options with you.
Excerpt from the FDANZ Website:
“Embalming, an essential service provided by funeral directors, is frequently misunderstood. Many people associate embalming with ancient and primitive cultural practices and have misgivings about its relevance, value and purpose today. It enables everyone connected with the funeral – family, friends and professionals – to take part in rituals with no unpleasantness or embarrassment and without risk to their health, whatever the cause of death. Without embalming, nature begins to take its course very soon after death.”
Embalming has three main purposes:
Sanitation – The body becomes safe for handling and viewing when micro-organisms are made harmless.
Preservation – Embalming allows adequate time for relatives and friends to grieve and say goodbye. It enables the person who has died to be taken home or to a marae. It ensures that there will be no problems of odour or deterioration.
Presentation – Embalming restores the person’s natural appearance, giving mourners a much better memory picture. This brings a sense of relief and comfort and helps peace of mind.
What does embalming involve?
Modern embalming is a careful scientific procedure performed by skilled personnel. Facial features are posed pleasantly and naturally. Disinfecting and preserving fluids are distributed through the body’s arterial system. Preparation also includes washing, dressing, hairdressing and restoration of natural skin colour.
Is Embalming Necessary?
Strictly speaking no, however, embalming disinfects and preserves the body and therefore is important care to reduce any health hazards before the deceased is viewed and/or transported. Embalming helps to restore the deceased person’s natural appearance and allows time for family and friends to say goodbye. There are various levels to the embalming process and we are happy to discuss these options with you.
Excerpt from the FDANZ Website:
“Embalming, an essential service provided by funeral directors, is frequently misunderstood. Many people associate embalming with ancient and primitive cultural practices and have misgivings about its relevance, value and purpose today. It enables everyone connected with the funeral – family, friends and professionals – to take part in rituals with no unpleasantness or embarrassment and without risk to their health, whatever the cause of death. Without embalming, nature begins to take its course very soon after death.”
Embalming has three main purposes:
Sanitation – The body becomes safe for handling and viewing when micro-organisms are made harmless.
Preservation – Embalming allows adequate time for relatives and friends to grieve and say goodbye. It enables the person who has died to be taken home or to a marae. It ensures that there will be no problems of odour or deterioration.
Presentation – Embalming restores the person’s natural appearance, giving mourners a much better memory picture. This brings a sense of relief and comfort and helps peace of mind.
What does embalming involve?
Modern embalming is a careful scientific procedure performed by skilled personnel. Facial features are posed pleasantly and naturally. Disinfecting and preserving fluids are distributed through the body’s arterial system. Preparation also includes washing, dressing, hairdressing and restoration of natural skin colour.
Multi-cultural Funerals
The Lychway specialises in multicultural funerals. We serve a number of the different communities living in the
Manawatu, including Maori, Indian and Chinese, and we know the importance of observing the rites and rituals of
a culture in a time of grief. We work closely with community leaders and elders to ensure that the funeral service
meets the needs of the bereaved family and their specific community.
Burial or Cremation
Making a Choice
If you are planning ahead for your own funeral, or planning the funeral of a family member or friend, a decision will need to made with regard to burial or cremation. Some people have very strong views about this decision, but to others it can be a difficult choice. Normally people express their wishes verbally to family or via a written pre-arrangement. Their wishes are generally respected and followed. If a choice has not been made clear, what happens, who chooses then between burial or cremation? This decision is made by the immediate family or the executor of the estate.
The Needs of Bereaved People
Whether you are planning your own funeral or someone else’s, please try to think about what might be best for the people who will be grieving. For you, a grave or memorial site might not be important, but to someone else who goes about grieving differently, it will be. Rituals of farewell can be insignificant for some, but tremendously useful to others. If your first thought is “why bother with all the fuss or expense” check that others feel the same way before making a final decision. Attempts to minimise pain in the short term can lead to regret later on for some people
In the past, burial was the most common choice and it is still favoured by many people. Family members appreciate having a grave to go to, a place to visit to focus on making a connection with the person who has died; thinking of them, grieving, talking to them, or tending their grave. Burial involves buying a plot and paying an interment fee which covers the cost of digging the grave. The purchase of a headstone also needs to be considered. For many people, the unveiling of a headstone is an important part of the grieving process. In New Zealand, apart from a few exceptional circumstances, the place a person can be buried is limited by law to official cemeteries or Maori burial grounds.
Graveside Services
Many families choose to hold a graveside service as part of their farewell to a loved one. A graveside service can be the sole venue for the entire funeral service, meaning the funeral service will be conducted at the actual site of the grave, or the graveside service may be one part of a traditional funeral service, taking place after a service at another venue. A graveside service can be personalised to your values, culture and spiritual, emotional or personal preferences. As an example you can have special music played, release doves, butterflies or balloons into the air or add any other special touches you think appropriate.
Cremation provides greater flexibility when choosing a final resting place. Ashes can be buried in a cemetery, but some families like to scatter them on a family plot or memorial garden, at sea, or in a favourite place. It is important to be careful that the area you have chosen is not close to a traditional Maori food gathering ground. Some people choose to divide the ashes, and have them placed in separate areas. Families often choose to have some sort of memorial in a special place for the person who has died. For many grieving people organising this is a positive way of dealing with their loss, and again we are happy to help with this. The process of cremation is something people often wonder about. The casket, with the body inside, is put into a cremator. In some instances it is possible for families to watch the casket being put into the cremator. The process of cremation takes place under very high temperatures and generally takes from 2 to 4 hours. There is room for only one casket, and all the ashes are taken from the cremator before it is used again, so it is not possible for ashes to be mixed with others. The whole process is governed by local body by-laws. After cremation the ashes are crenulated or broken up. They are all put into a simple plastic container which is about 30 cm long and 15 cm deep. This container is designed so it can be placed into a wooden or ceramic urn as chosen by the family.
Burial at Sea
Burial at sea has to take place at a specially designated marine burial location. It is an option that can be chosen by the person when preparing their funeral, or by the family. A special type of casket is required, and this is usually buried at sea from either a boat or a helicopter. They are specially designated areas of the New Zealand coastline for burial at sea. We can give you further information about this and make the necessary arrangements for you.
Donating A Body For Medical Science
New Zealand medical schools do not have a constant requirement for donations. If you are interested in this option it is essential that arrangements are made prior to the death and that the medical school’s requirements and criteria have been met. As an alternative, you may want to be an organ donor. We are able to give you further information on these options.
Memorial Service
Just like a funeral service, a memorial service is a time to remember your loved one. This can be held shortly after death or weeks later, with or without an urn present. What’s important is that it creates a time and a place for family and friends to gather together and support one another, share memories and pay their respects. We can hold a memorial service at our funeral home, the final resting place or at your home.
Personalisation Ideas
Creating a personalised funeral with an authentic feeling can be as simple as including some of the ideas below, or adding your own personal preferences inspired by these ideas or by our Book of Ideas. Even a funeral that follows your faith or culture can have some or all of these special elements, which will make the service more unique and memorable. Adding a personal touch can make the funeral feel more authentic. At the Lychway Funeral Directors, our experienced funeral directors can help you create a special funeral service as unique as the person who has passed away.
Time and Venue
• Consider the time of day for the service; perhaps a candlelit twilight service followed by a cocktail party is more reminiscent of the person?
• Choose a venue that reflects the person’s life; a golf club, garden, beach, or the backyard at home
• Ask guests to wear a certain colour, hat or tie – something that reflects the person’s style
• Create a colourful photo board to welcome guests when they arrive
• Show a life story through a DVD photo & music presentation
• Make a memorabilia display of personal items
• Musicians playing live music – bagpipes, harp, singer, jazz band or the like
• Release ceremony with doves, balloons or butterflies
A Special Coffin
• Decorate the coffin yourself with hand prints, special messages, signatures or your own drawings
• Have a custom built LifeArt coffin, personalised with photos, prints or scenery of your choice
For the Family
• Bring your family pet to the ceremony
• Drive past the family home on the way to the cemetery or crematorium
• Video record or stream the ceremony for family interstate or overseas
• Keep a lock of hair
• Military and Sports – Form a guard of honour
• Military honours; RSA tribute with poppies and Last Post included in the ceremony
• Ask team mates or club members to come dressed in uniform or club colours
Family Gathering – The Wake
A family gathering or ‘wake’ held after the funeral service can be an important time for friends and relatives to gather together. A wake is a time for family and friends to share memories, help each other deal with loss and to provide hospitality for those who may have travelled a great distance to be at the funeral service. You can choose one of the function rooms at our funeral homes, a hotel or club, or even your home.
Our funeral directors can help remove the stress of putting on a family gathering. We can help you with venues, catering and staff so that you and your family can concentrate on your guests.
Burial or Cremation
Making a Choice
If you are planning ahead for your own funeral, or planning the funeral of a family member or friend, a decision will need to made with regard to burial or cremation. Some people have very strong views about this decision, but to others it can be a difficult choice. Normally people express their wishes verbally to family or via a written pre-arrangement. Their wishes are generally respected and followed. If a choice has not been made clear, what happens, who chooses then between burial or cremation? This decision is made by the immediate family or the executor of the estate.
The Needs of Bereaved People
Whether you are planning your own funeral or someone else’s, please try to think about what might be best for the people who will be grieving. For you, a grave or memorial site might not be important, but to someone else who goes about grieving differently, it will be. Rituals of farewell can be insignificant for some, but tremendously useful to others. If your first thought is “why bother with all the fuss or expense” check that others feel the same way before making a final decision. Attempts to minimise pain in the short term can lead to regret later on for some people
In the past, burial was the most common choice and it is still favoured by many people. Family members appreciate having a grave to go to, a place to visit to focus on making a connection with the person who has died; thinking of them, grieving, talking to them, or tending their grave. Burial involves buying a plot and paying an interment fee which covers the cost of digging the grave. The purchase of a headstone also needs to be considered. For many people, the unveiling of a headstone is an important part of the grieving process. In New Zealand, apart from a few exceptional circumstances, the place a person can be buried is limited by law to official cemeteries or Maori burial grounds.
Graveside Services
Many families choose to hold a graveside service as part of their farewell to a loved one. A graveside service can be the sole venue for the entire funeral service, meaning the funeral service will be conducted at the actual site of the grave, or the graveside service may be one part of a traditional funeral service, taking place after a service at another venue. A graveside service can be personalised to your values, culture and spiritual, emotional or personal preferences. As an example you can have special music played, release doves, butterflies or balloons into the air or add any other special touches you think appropriate.
Cremation provides greater flexibility when choosing a final resting place. Ashes can be buried in a cemetery, but some families like to scatter them on a family plot or memorial garden, at sea, or in a favourite place. It is important to be careful that the area you have chosen is not close to a traditional Maori food gathering ground. Some people choose to divide the ashes, and have them placed in separate areas. Families often choose to have some sort of memorial in a special place for the person who has died. For many grieving people organising this is a positive way of dealing with their loss, and again we are happy to help with this. The process of cremation is something people often wonder about. The casket, with the body inside, is put into a cremator. In some instances it is possible for families to watch the casket being put into the cremator. The process of cremation takes place under very high temperatures and generally takes from 2 to 4 hours. There is room for only one casket, and all the ashes are taken from the cremator before it is used again, so it is not possible for ashes to be mixed with others. The whole process is governed by local body by-laws. After cremation the ashes are crenulated or broken up. They are all put into a simple plastic container which is about 30 cm long and 15 cm deep. This container is designed so it can be placed into a wooden or ceramic urn as chosen by the family.
Burial at Sea
Burial at sea has to take place at a specially designated marine burial location. It is an option that can be chosen by the person when preparing their funeral, or by the family. A special type of casket is required, and this is usually buried at sea from either a boat or a helicopter. They are specially designated areas of the New Zealand coastline for burial at sea. We can give you further information about this and make the necessary arrangements for you.
Donating A Body For Medical Science
New Zealand medical schools do not have a constant requirement for donations. If you are interested in this option it is essential that arrangements are made prior to the death and that the medical school’s requirements and criteria have been met. As an alternative, you may want to be an organ donor. We are able to give you further information on these options.
Memorial Service
Just like a funeral service, a memorial service is a time to remember your loved one. This can be held shortly after death or weeks later, with or without an urn present. What’s important is that it creates a time and a place for family and friends to gather together and support one another, share memories and pay their respects. We can hold a memorial service at our funeral home, the final resting place or at your home.
Personalisation Ideas
Creating a personalised funeral with an authentic feeling can be as simple as including some of the ideas below, or adding your own personal preferences inspired by these ideas or by our Book of Ideas. Even a funeral that follows your faith or culture can have some or all of these special elements, which will make the service more unique and memorable. Adding a personal touch can make the funeral feel more authentic. At the Lychway Funeral Directors, our experienced funeral directors can help you create a special funeral service as unique as the person who has passed away.
Time and Venue
• Consider the time of day for the service; perhaps a candlelit twilight service followed by a cocktail party is more reminiscent of the person?
• Choose a venue that reflects the person’s life; a golf club, garden, beach, or the backyard at home
• Ask guests to wear a certain colour, hat or tie – something that reflects the person’s style
• Create a colourful photo board to welcome guests when they arrive
• Show a life story through a DVD photo & music presentation
• Make a memorabilia display of personal items
• Musicians playing live music – bagpipes, harp, singer, jazz band or the like
• Release ceremony with doves, balloons or butterflies
A Special Coffin
• Decorate the coffin yourself with hand prints, special messages, signatures or your own drawings
• Have a custom built LifeArt coffin, personalised with photos, prints or scenery of your choice
For the Family
• Bring your family pet to the ceremony
• Drive past the family home on the way to the cemetery or crematorium
• Video record or stream the ceremony for family interstate or overseas
• Keep a lock of hair
• Military and Sports – Form a guard of honour
• Military honours; RSA tribute with poppies and Last Post included in the ceremony
• Ask team mates or club members to come dressed in uniform or club colours
Family Gathering – The Wake
A family gathering or ‘wake’ held after the funeral service can be an important time for friends and relatives to gather together. A wake is a time for family and friends to share memories, help each other deal with loss and to provide hospitality for those who may have travelled a great distance to be at the funeral service. You can choose one of the function rooms at our funeral homes, a hotel or club, or even your home.
Our funeral directors can help remove the stress of putting on a family gathering. We can help you with venues, catering and staff so that you and your family can concentrate on your guests.
“My dad didn’t really do compliments but he said, the best gift you can give me is a send-off like your mother’s.”
Fran Harrison
They did a great job for both my mother and my brothers. At the end of the day, that’s all I could have asked for.
Jeff Watson
We dealt with Graeme, he made me feel like we were part of . his family. It’s not the sort of place you just pop in, but when you do, they make you feel at ease
Sarah Webb
I’ve never felt I needed grief counselling because of the amazing support I received.”
Bev Davies
They know what grief is, and they know how to deal with it.
Christopher Tunley
The team deal with you as a person, not as a client. It mattered to them that it was done in the right way.