RICKARD, Keith John:
Lifetime resident of Palmerston North, passed away on November 22, 2020, just short of his 94th birthday. Keith was a loving husband of Joy (deceased 2006) and father to Brian and Neal, father in-law to Judy and Heather and Grandfather to Angela, Samantha, Guy and Mitchell and great-grandfather to Eiko, Eli, Axel, Willow and Juniper; a Brother to Marjorie, Dulcie and to Donald and Kathleen (both deceased) and a special friend to Judy Rossiter. Keith’s 50 year work life included Martins Foundry, Longburn Freezing Works, PN Hospital, Brick and Pipes, Massey Agricultural College, Richardsons Drilling and Massey University (Sports Centre). His sporting life was centred on Kia Toa RFC (player, coach, life member and Patron) and Evergreens Golden Oldies, he ran with PN Harriers, the Marathon Clinic and at Masters Games. Always exercising, fit and analysing and sharing his passion with those he mentored. In accordance with his strongly held wishes there is no funeral and his ashes will join those of Joy Rickard. Brian and Neal will however have a memorial service for close family and friends once Neal and Heather leave quarantine and get to PN. You are invited to contact Neal on +61452231956 or email
Or Brian on brian.rickard@xtra.co.nz
Special thanks are due to the Julia Wallace Staff who maintained a high level of professional and empathetic care throughout Keith’s stay. Truly fabulous and unfair to single them out by name.